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Batching Plant Work PLTU Sumbagsel-1 Project

08 / 03 / 2023 - Press Release

Batching Plant

Batching Plant is a production site for ready mix or ready-to-use bulk concrete at a location or concrete factory. Mixing with high strength formulations to create good concrete mixing results and according to the dosage. Formulation is carried out by professionals in the mixing field in mixing mixtures between cement, sand, gravel or aggregate and water. These material elements are mixed into one so that it becomes a ready mix which is ready to be distributed to the casting location according to the wishes of the customer. If the distance between the concrete factory and the project is too far, then a batching plant is built in the project area.

To meet the needs of ready mix concrete on a large scale, its production is also faster than manual mixing. Among the components contained in the batching plant include: Silos, Conveyor Belts, Bins, Storage Bins and scales.